Saturday, June 6, 2015


I have been eating on plan over 90% of the time, as well as working on my 30 Day Plank Challenge for the last 2 weeks, and have yet to lose a pound. It is so frustrating to not see the scale move. I told myself this morning that I have to do something different.

So this morning I did just that! I got my tired, achy plank legs out of bed and went for a walk. I have walked on and off over the last couple of months, but I always stopped because I end up hurting. I told myself this time I am taking it slow. I will walk the same path every day, and instead of trying to work on distance I am only going to work on my time.

This  morning I walked .76 of a mile and it took me 15.39 minutes. When I can do that same distance in under 12 minutes then I will increase my distance. I have to take it slow and I know that, but I want to always do better. I just have to remember that doing better doesn't always mean huge, giant leaps. Sometimes doing better is just 10 seconds, or maybe even taking longer, but not hurting afterwards.

The little changes in my life are what are going to stick and keep me going. So here are to the little changes.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are doing great! Congrats on the accomplishment :)
