Sunday, May 31, 2015

Doubled my time...

Today is Day 7 of the 30 Day Plank Challenge and it has been hard and awesome at the same time.

When I did my time last Monday I could only hold a plank for 23 seconds. Today was our check-in for how long we could hold, and my time doubled!!! I was able to hold for 47 seconds!! That is so amazing!!!!

I am wanting to start walking every day, but the mosquitoes are so bad right now. You cannot walk outside and not getting swarmed. So until the lands dry up, then I will just be doing planks. I have been looking for treadmills, but have not found any within my price range yet.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ouch...and oh my....

So today is Day 4 of the Plank Challenge, and boy I didn't expect to still be feeling those planks 5 hours later. I was blessed with 35 or so women to join the challenge with me. I cannot wait to see how I do on Day 30.

Tomorrow is a side plank, and to be honest I am concerned about being able to do it. I have been so surprised that I have been able to do so well with the regular planks, but I am concerned about tomorrow's. 

So anyways, I am also on Day 5 of being 100% on plan. Tonight was hard though. There was a bit of a family dispute tonight and I wanted so badly to go buy something sweet. The thing is I really didn't want to taste it, I just felt this need to go buy one. Just goes to show how much of an emotional eater I truly am. Thankfully I kept my senses, and didn't buy anything that I would regret later. That is progress!!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

30 Day Plank Challenge and again....

I haven't posted lately as I have not been staying on plan 100% and well I am embarrassed to say so, and I have been working hard on schooling my children and midwifery studies. I am thankful that I have the desire to get back at it 100%.

I thought a fun way to get back on track and to be accountable to myself and others is to give myself a mini-goal. A week or so ago I got an email from My Fitness Pal about a 30 Day Plank Challenge and knew I wanted to do it. I actually like planks as it is an exercise that is not hard on my very unfit body.

So today is Day 1 for me, and I would love to have some buddies to come alongside and commit to doing 30 days with me. If your interested let me know. I'm going to start a private FB group for those who want to commit so we can stay accountable and encourage each other.