Monday, June 15, 2015


It's about to get real  up in here.....

We have cleaned out our pantry and 2 refrigerators. Today I am making our menu and grocery list, then tomorrow is shopping day. We start on Wednesday!

I will probably be posting much more often, but it will most likely be lots of pictures of what we are eating, and how we are doing. 

BTW, everyone in our family is doing Whole30. Even the kids!! 

Saturday, June 6, 2015


I have been eating on plan over 90% of the time, as well as working on my 30 Day Plank Challenge for the last 2 weeks, and have yet to lose a pound. It is so frustrating to not see the scale move. I told myself this morning that I have to do something different.

So this morning I did just that! I got my tired, achy plank legs out of bed and went for a walk. I have walked on and off over the last couple of months, but I always stopped because I end up hurting. I told myself this time I am taking it slow. I will walk the same path every day, and instead of trying to work on distance I am only going to work on my time.

This  morning I walked .76 of a mile and it took me 15.39 minutes. When I can do that same distance in under 12 minutes then I will increase my distance. I have to take it slow and I know that, but I want to always do better. I just have to remember that doing better doesn't always mean huge, giant leaps. Sometimes doing better is just 10 seconds, or maybe even taking longer, but not hurting afterwards.

The little changes in my life are what are going to stick and keep me going. So here are to the little changes.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Doubled my time...

Today is Day 7 of the 30 Day Plank Challenge and it has been hard and awesome at the same time.

When I did my time last Monday I could only hold a plank for 23 seconds. Today was our check-in for how long we could hold, and my time doubled!!! I was able to hold for 47 seconds!! That is so amazing!!!!

I am wanting to start walking every day, but the mosquitoes are so bad right now. You cannot walk outside and not getting swarmed. So until the lands dry up, then I will just be doing planks. I have been looking for treadmills, but have not found any within my price range yet.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ouch...and oh my....

So today is Day 4 of the Plank Challenge, and boy I didn't expect to still be feeling those planks 5 hours later. I was blessed with 35 or so women to join the challenge with me. I cannot wait to see how I do on Day 30.

Tomorrow is a side plank, and to be honest I am concerned about being able to do it. I have been so surprised that I have been able to do so well with the regular planks, but I am concerned about tomorrow's. 

So anyways, I am also on Day 5 of being 100% on plan. Tonight was hard though. There was a bit of a family dispute tonight and I wanted so badly to go buy something sweet. The thing is I really didn't want to taste it, I just felt this need to go buy one. Just goes to show how much of an emotional eater I truly am. Thankfully I kept my senses, and didn't buy anything that I would regret later. That is progress!!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

30 Day Plank Challenge and again....

I haven't posted lately as I have not been staying on plan 100% and well I am embarrassed to say so, and I have been working hard on schooling my children and midwifery studies. I am thankful that I have the desire to get back at it 100%.

I thought a fun way to get back on track and to be accountable to myself and others is to give myself a mini-goal. A week or so ago I got an email from My Fitness Pal about a 30 Day Plank Challenge and knew I wanted to do it. I actually like planks as it is an exercise that is not hard on my very unfit body.

So today is Day 1 for me, and I would love to have some buddies to come alongside and commit to doing 30 days with me. If your interested let me know. I'm going to start a private FB group for those who want to commit so we can stay accountable and encourage each other.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Do you have a diet or eating plan?

This is the question I get asked most of all. The answer is yes I do have an eating plan that I am following, but I don't claim that it is the best or the only way to eat. 

See my friend Janet that I posted about yesterday is doing so good losing weight. She has an eating plan as well that she is following, and it is different than my own. I won't say that her's is the best, or the only way either. It is HER plan!

I have another friend who has done amazing since having her baby a few months back. I mean I have actually been very jealous of her success, because I have wanted so badly to be able to follow her way of eating. She gets to eat things that I would love to be able to eat right now, but I know that for now that is not the best thing for me. For her it is great and it is HER plan. 

One of the realizations I posted was the following:

"I have spent years yo-yoing between different way of eating. So many well-meaning people telling you about what the believe to be the best way of eating. The deal is I cannot eat the same way as other people. I have to eat the way that is best for my body. Are there others way that work? Of course, but not for me, at least not at this time."

I have literally spent years and years trying to figure out what the best way of eating is. I have spent more money than I care to know on books, supplements, order to follow "the" best diet. What have I gotten out of that? NOTHING!! Unless you count extra pounds and less money.  

Here is what I have learned; there are many ways to get to the same ending. We have all read the 1,000 different weight loss success stories that are out there. The thing that really and truly makes each different is not the food, it is the person. Some people are going to do great with Weight Watchers, someone else with Trim Healthy Mama, another with Slim Fast, while another will just count calories and be successful. The thing is finding the one you can stick with, makes sense to you, and helps you to feel the best you can feel. 

For me that is low carb plus high fat. I personally cannot eat a lot of grains or sugar. Notice I didn't say I cannot eat grains at all. I do not believe that grains are evil. God said they were good. Jesus is the "bread of life". But for me if I eat them too often I become physically ill. I have 2 children with celiac disease, whether it is related I don't know, since I don't test positive for celiac, but I have all the symptoms of celiac or gluten intolerance. I do still take communion every Sunday,  and I do not worry about the bread for myself. My 2 celiac kids do get GF bread. I also don't believe that natural forms of sugar are evil. White sugar? Well that may just be evil. Again, I don't believe that something God made and called good to be evil.The Promised Land was flowing with milk and honey.  But for me I cannot eat even natural sugars right now. Natural sugar is a slippery slope for me, and so for now I choose to use Stevia or THM's Sweet Blend, until I overcome my addiction and get close to my goal weight. 

I also know that my way of eating may change over time. Sometimes our bodies need certain nutrients during certain seasons. For now I know that I feel good and I am losing. If a time comes where I am no longer losing weight or inches, then I will reevaluate what I am doing and see what changes need to be made. 

I write all of this to encourage you. I write this to tell you to stop looking for the perfect diet. There isn't one. Look at what gives you energy and focus, and see what nutrients are in those foods that your body is craving. Examine your lifestyle and make sure that you can follow through with the choices you make. If you cannot commit to cooking from scratch, then why would  you choose a way of eating that requires that? Find what works best for YOU and for those who you are serving within your home. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

This is really embarrassing.....

Ya know it is kinda silly that I feel the need to share such private things with the world in order to be held accountable. Not that I have ever done it before. I have shared on FB and IG the other 5,000 times I tried to get healthy, but this time it is different. I have come to some realizations thanks to a dear friend (Janet) and some soul searching.

Why do I want this so badly? Honestly, I am tired of hurting. Every joint in my body hurts and inflamed. I cannot continue on like this. Well actually I could, but it would not be pretty, and I would not get the chance to actually enjoy my children and husband.

Janet asked me what my goals were for doing this. I have quite a few, some of which I won't share with the entire world, but here are a few...

  • Go to Six Flags and ride all the ride without worrying about fitting in the seat
  • Be a great midwife. I cannot be a great midwife at this weight. 
  • Run a 5K. There is actually a specific one I want to run, but I can't find the name for it right now. 
  • I want to wear a bikini. I KNOW, I KNOW!!!! I know that it is actually a big deal for overweight women to wear them right now as a way to show that they love themselves. Great for them, but that is not me. 
Those are just a few of my goals. And before anyone starts with the whole body love thing. No, I don't love my body, BUT I do love myself, and I believe that is more important. I want to love my body though. Do I need to weigh 110 pounds for that to happen? I don't think so, but I do know that I need my body to be healthy and strong, which can happen at 200 pounds if that is what the Lord wills. 

I sit back and wonder what has changed to give me the strength to do this now. Thankfully I have come to realize a few things...
  • Every time in the past when I have tried to eat better it was always because I am trying to get my husband to do the same. I cannot do that. I cannot make him or anyone choose to eat what is right for them. I can only do that for myself. 
  • I have always wanted to look better for others. Again I cannot do that. I am not doing this to look better. I am doing this so I don't spend every single day in pain. Pain is a great motivator. 
  • I have spent years yo-yoing between different way of eating. So many well-meaning people telling you about what the believe to be the best way of eating. The deal is I cannot eat the same way as other people. I have to eat the way that is best for my body. Are there others way that work? Of course, but not for me, at least not at this time. 
  • I MUST believe in myself. My husband and children love me deeply, but I have had to begin to believe that I am worth every bit of that love. 
  • No one can do this for me. I have to make every decision about what I choose to eat and do. I choose to do what is best for me. 

I will post more about what I am eating, how I am exercising, and more about my journey soon.