Friday, April 10, 2015

Do you have a diet or eating plan?

This is the question I get asked most of all. The answer is yes I do have an eating plan that I am following, but I don't claim that it is the best or the only way to eat. 

See my friend Janet that I posted about yesterday is doing so good losing weight. She has an eating plan as well that she is following, and it is different than my own. I won't say that her's is the best, or the only way either. It is HER plan!

I have another friend who has done amazing since having her baby a few months back. I mean I have actually been very jealous of her success, because I have wanted so badly to be able to follow her way of eating. She gets to eat things that I would love to be able to eat right now, but I know that for now that is not the best thing for me. For her it is great and it is HER plan. 

One of the realizations I posted was the following:

"I have spent years yo-yoing between different way of eating. So many well-meaning people telling you about what the believe to be the best way of eating. The deal is I cannot eat the same way as other people. I have to eat the way that is best for my body. Are there others way that work? Of course, but not for me, at least not at this time."

I have literally spent years and years trying to figure out what the best way of eating is. I have spent more money than I care to know on books, supplements, order to follow "the" best diet. What have I gotten out of that? NOTHING!! Unless you count extra pounds and less money.  

Here is what I have learned; there are many ways to get to the same ending. We have all read the 1,000 different weight loss success stories that are out there. The thing that really and truly makes each different is not the food, it is the person. Some people are going to do great with Weight Watchers, someone else with Trim Healthy Mama, another with Slim Fast, while another will just count calories and be successful. The thing is finding the one you can stick with, makes sense to you, and helps you to feel the best you can feel. 

For me that is low carb plus high fat. I personally cannot eat a lot of grains or sugar. Notice I didn't say I cannot eat grains at all. I do not believe that grains are evil. God said they were good. Jesus is the "bread of life". But for me if I eat them too often I become physically ill. I have 2 children with celiac disease, whether it is related I don't know, since I don't test positive for celiac, but I have all the symptoms of celiac or gluten intolerance. I do still take communion every Sunday,  and I do not worry about the bread for myself. My 2 celiac kids do get GF bread. I also don't believe that natural forms of sugar are evil. White sugar? Well that may just be evil. Again, I don't believe that something God made and called good to be evil.The Promised Land was flowing with milk and honey.  But for me I cannot eat even natural sugars right now. Natural sugar is a slippery slope for me, and so for now I choose to use Stevia or THM's Sweet Blend, until I overcome my addiction and get close to my goal weight. 

I also know that my way of eating may change over time. Sometimes our bodies need certain nutrients during certain seasons. For now I know that I feel good and I am losing. If a time comes where I am no longer losing weight or inches, then I will reevaluate what I am doing and see what changes need to be made. 

I write all of this to encourage you. I write this to tell you to stop looking for the perfect diet. There isn't one. Look at what gives you energy and focus, and see what nutrients are in those foods that your body is craving. Examine your lifestyle and make sure that you can follow through with the choices you make. If you cannot commit to cooking from scratch, then why would  you choose a way of eating that requires that? Find what works best for YOU and for those who you are serving within your home. 

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